Enroll and payment policy
Class and LIVE training
To enroll and pay for the training the following need to be performed.
- Select a training course
Please select a training course in the Calendar section by clicking "Enroll". For example, Calendar → Class training on February 15-17, 2021 → Infinet Wireless Technical course. A page opens with a detailed training program description, the training date, the cost, the mandatory requirements for participation and the registration form.
- Fill out and send the registration form
The user needs to fill out the registration form and click "Send". After that a request with the status "Under confirmation" will appear in the "My training requests" section of the personal account. After the successful verification of the registration, as well as the participation and execution prerequisites customer receives a written confirmation of the course registration. The requet status will be "Confirmed". In case of a non-confirmed course registration customer receives cancellation of registration with the reason clarification. The request status will be "Cancelled".
An information about training requests could be tracked via personal account in the "My training requests" section on the IW Academy portal.
- Pay for the training
Payment for the training course can be made either by credit card through the IW Academy portal, or by a purchase order issued by the Infinet Sales Manager.
To pay for the training by credit card, please select the request with the "Confirmed" status in the "My training requests" section and click the "Pay till XX.XX.XXXX", where XX.XX.XXXX is the payment due date. In the payment form enter the required data and confirm the payment.
To pay for the training by purchase order please send a request to the sales@infinetwireless.com, academy@infinetwireless.com. A Sales Manager will contact you and issue a purchase order.
If the customer has not paid the full cost of the training course by credit card, the training course is considered not paid. The training request that was not paid in full is cancelled. The user is refunded the amount paid by him. In order to pay for the training again, the customer needs to re-fill out and send the registration form to the course on the IW Academy portal once again.
Certification Exam
To pay for the exam the following need to be performed.
- Select a certification exam
Please go to the "Exam" section at the IW Academy portal. A page opens with a detailed available exams description, the cost, required scores number, time duration and recommended preparation materials.
- Pay for the exam
Payment for the exam can be made by the credit card. To pay for the exam please click the "Start exam" button. In the payment form enter the required data and confirm the payment.
If the customer has not paid the full cost of the exam by credit card, the exam is considered not paid. The user is refunded the amount paid by him.